Thank goodness for that cyst; our journey through fertility treatment
I have wanted to write about my infertility journey for quite some time and before Chloe was diagnosed I had begun jotting my thoughts down. Infertility is scary. That quiet idea of having two or three cherubs at home while being happily married or partnered is certainly a dream most of us share or aspire to. I had always imagined having three children by the age of 30 (if only!). My hubby has always wanted kids as much as me but while we were in our twenties we decided to live abroad and see what the far side of the world to Ireland had to offer. So we settled first in Brisbane Australia and then to our home here in Auckland, New Zealand. Our dream to have children was somewhat diverted until July 2013 brought the discovery that I have PCOS, or Polycycstic Ovarian Syndrome. PCOS affects a woman's ovaries often causing too many follicles to develop and grow too large. It affects ovulation and a woman's monthly cycle along with a myriad of different things. Th...